From 2008 - 2011, I worked as a private chef in and around Aspen, Colorado.
The experience taught me a lot and exposed me to amazing people from all over the world.
One family in particular, the Garfunkel's, was from Argentina. They requested a new type of food and I learned a lot from them. Chicken Milanesa, super-high-quality balsamic vinegar, truffle fries and Chimichurri were some of the foods added to my quiver while cooking for them.
I would cook lunch and dinner for the Garfunkel's six-days-per-week, but asked for Sunday's off. They obliged, but requested that I make Pastel De Papa on Saturday and leave it for them to heat up on Sunday night.
I had never heard of Pastel De Papa, so I asked them about it. They shared a recipe and it was off to the races. I fell in love with the meal!
Years later, after changing my cooking style from traditional fare to a cleaner, Paleo-type cuisine, I remembered Pastel De Papa. I swapped traditional potatoes for yams to bring it in line with The Paleo Diet and the result was beautiful.
On January 2, 2014, CrossFit featured my Pastel De Papa recipe on The CrossFit Journal as part of the Constantly Varied Kitchen series where I taught 12 of my favorites.
That summer, we launched the Paleo Nick's food booth at The CrossFit Games and Pastel De Papa was on the menu. When the contracted caterer was falling short on fueling the judges, CrossFit staff came to our booth to buy 45 portions of Pastel De Papa over the counter. It was just what they needed to keep fueled up in the hot California sun.
At the end of weekend, one of the staffers came by and recommended that I put in a bid to cater The Games the following year. Long-story-short, we won the contract.
In 2015 we ran Paleo Nick's food booth and also catered breakfast, lunch and dinner for 1,000 people out of a tent in a parking lot.
I could keep going, but I won't.
From Aspen to Asphalt, Pastel De Papa has been an Anchor.
It's the meal I recommend to anyone looking to try Ice Age Meals. It has nearly perfect Zone macros, it's unique and it tastes delicious.
Thanks for reading this.
Your Pal,
Paleo Nick
(Out in the waves with Wally, paddling with my pup! Get Outside.)